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Mount Lawley, WA

Lease Available For TransferEstablished Studio
$728,047 (incl. SAV) + GST

Property Details

Address: 4/649 Beaufort St, Mount Lawley WA 6050, Australia

Established in May 2023 as Pronto's second studio, this location quickly exceeded expectations, boasting 553 active members and a Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) of $41,192.

Reformer Capacity:7

Financial Details

Investment Price:

$728,047 (incl. SAV) + GST

Annual Rent (inc. outgoings):


  • Strong Revenue Stream - Current Average Revenue Per Customer (ARPC): $67.56
  • Profitable Model - Monthly profit of $19,201 after expenses
  • Attractive Revenue Share Model - 60% revenue share
  • Manageable Overheads - Rent and outgoings total $4,426 per month

Projected Annual Profit:

Projected profit is based on the starting number of reformers. If your studio can expand to additional reformers, projected profit will increase.